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Creator Serializable will break on restart

By Radiac on 25/02/2010 12:31:11

If a creator builds an Item/NPC etc which is ISerializable and holdable, if they are holding it in their inventory when they are serialized before a mud restart, their assembly will not have been compiled when they next log in, their Item/NPC will not be available for de-serialization, and their login will go wrong or fail. Suggested solutions: 1. Add a new type of assembly, ie a stable assembly, or a required assembly, and add support to the "assembly" command to create this new assembly type: assembly addstable Radiac_Stable Radiac's stable code This can then be compiled at runtime as any normal assembly, but when the mud starts up, it automatically compiles all stable assemblies immediately. Creators are then responsible for ensuring that the code in their stable assemblies is actually stable; failed compiles can be stored to the error.log and ignored. 2. A serialisation binder that substitutes one item for another if the serialised item is not found 3. A way to clear a player's inventory without them logging on.

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